Which Battery is Best for Electric and Hybrid Boom Aerial Work Platforms?
Electric and Hybrid Boom machine batteries will be deeply cycled (80% Depth of Discharge - DoD) regularly and often operated in a Partial State of Charge (PSOC) situation. The batteries will need high power capability to support the surge current demanded by electric traction and lifting motors, plus the surge of optional inverters when they start up. If the battery is Lithium, the Battery Management System (BMS) will also need to be able to tolerate the energy back-feed (EMF Spike) when a motor is stopped.
Batteries for Boom machines should ideally be maintenance-free and be able to accept frequent short charges or ‘opportunity charging’ without degradation in long-term performance. Hybrid Boom machine batteries will be charged using the onboard generator. Low-quality charging systems (onboard generator or plug-in charger) may not stop when they should and, therefore, regularly ‘over-charge’ the battery, degrading its useful life. Outdoor temperatures may impact battery health. State of Charge (SOC) monitoring is beneficial for machine operators. Hybrid Boom machines also need a separate battery to start the on-board generator/engine.